Category: Application Development

  • Recipe: Setting up IBM FHIR Server and Azure in Development

    The IBM FHIR Server has support for exporting and importing Bulk Data using extended operations for Bulk Data $import, $export and $bulkdata-status, which are implemented as Java Maven projects. The IBM FHIR Server uses JSR252 JavaBatch jobs running in the Open Liberty Java Batch Framework to enable access to Large Volumes of HL7 FHIR data.…

  • Recipe: Streaming the FHIR Audit from the IBM FHIR Server with Go

    The IBM FHIR Server supports audit events for FHIR interactions (CREATE-READ-UPDATE-DELETE-SEARCH-EXTENDED_OPERATION) in Cloud Auditing Data Federation (CADF) and HL7 FHIR AuditEvent and pushing the events to an Apache Kafka backend. You can read more about it in another post I made. This recipe shows how to stream the data with Go-Kafka in a small lightweight…

  • A Reliable CVE Dependency Check: How-To

    dependency-check is a standalone maven plugin which checks for vulnerable dependencies. It’s hosted on GitHub. I switched to it from the victims-db, which no longer looks like it is updated. I had to carefully analyze the output, it was very helpful finding one issue where we had an unintended include.

  • Help… run nsenter

    Per Enqueue Zero, Nsenter is a utility enters the namespaces of one or more other processes and then executes the specified program. In other words, we jump to the inner side of the namespace. Search for the namespace, by searching for S+, and then using the PID to target the namespace, and run the local…

  • Never accept the defaults: Lessons Learned using OpenJ9 in a Container

    Never accept the defaults: Lessons Learned using OpenJ9 in a Container Eclipse OpenJ9 is an efficient virtual machine with a small-dynamic footprint that is used for many cloud applications.  Many applications use the OpenJ9 to run their applications, such as the Apache OpenWhisk, IBM FHIR Server and Open Liberty. I learned a few things about…

  • Upper Limit for PreparedStatement Parameters

    The upper limits for prepared statement parameters in db2, postgres and derby.

  • Bulk Data Configurations for IBM FHIR Server’s Storage Providers

    As of IBM FHIR Server 4.10.2… A colleague of mine is entering into the depths of the IBM FHIR Server’s Bulk Data feature. Each tenant in the IBM FHIR Server may specify multiple storageProviders. The default tenant is assumed, unless specified with the Http Headers X-FHIR-BULKDATA-PROVIDER and X-FHIR-BULKDATA-PROVIDER-OUTCOME. Each tenant’s configuration may mix the different…

  • Not Yet Another Docker to Rancher Desktop Alternative

    With the change to Docker, Docker is changing its license going forward with Docker Desktop as noted in their license and blog. Much like a former colleague of mine’s article YADPBP: Yet Another Docker to Podman Blog Post, I have entered into the Docker Desktop migration.

  • GitHub Actions: Concurrency Control

    My team uses GitHub Actions 18 in total jobs across about 12 workflows. When we get multiple pull requests we end up driving contention on the workflows and resources we use. I ran across concurrency control for the workflows. To take advantage of concurrency control add this snippet to the bottom of your pull request…

  • Tracing the IBM FHIR Server file access on MacOSX

    Tracing the IBM FHIR Server file access on MacOSX