A list of useful Tips and useful links are on this page.
Tip 1: If you fail on setup, check the networking is open on the private network. You can check the Enable Communication Over the Private Network topic Option 2.
Describe a Resource
● oc explain pod –recursive
● oc explain pod.spec.containers
- Create Subnets
- Create Logical Partitions on ppc64le architecture
- Load Boot Images
ppc64le-cloud/pvsadm is a tool for managing IBM Power Systems Virtual Servers.
OpenShift User Provided Infrastructure Install provides Terraform based automation code to help with the deployment of OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) 4.x on IBM Power Systems Virtual Server on IBM Cloud.
export VERSION=4.10
git clone --single-branch --branch release-$VERSION \
ocp-power-automation/ocp4-upi-powervs A set of scripts, from my colleague Rafael, to manage PowerVS.
OpenShift Container Platform 4.x Tested Integrations (for ppc64le) lists the tested integrations.
Deploying Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.x on IBM Power Systems Virtual Servers detailed learning path for installing on PowerVS
Cross-compiling and Running Multi architecture builds
Here are some quick tips:
Rebooting a Worker Node
While the preferred method is to sequentially go through the Reboot Steps. The following is the dirty method to reboot a node and simulate a disruption.
- Login to OpenShift
# oc login --token=sha256~xyz --server=https://api.xyz.sslip.io:6443
Logged into "https://api.xyz.sslip.io:6443" as "kube:admin" using the token provided.
Using project "default".
- List the worker nodes
$ oc get nodes -lnode-role.kubernetes.io/worker
worker-0.xyz.sslip.io Ready worker 50d v1.23.5+b0357ed
worker-1.xyz.sslip.io Ready worker 50d v1.23.5+b0357ed
- Connect to the node
$ oc debug node/worker-0.xyz.sslip.io
Starting pod/worker-xyz-debug ...
To use host binaries, run `chroot /host`
Pod IP:
If you don't see a command prompt, try pressing enter.
- Change the root
$ chroot /host
- Reboot the node
$ systemctl reboot
Wait for the node to come back up.
Terraform on Power
If you are using the Terraform install on Power, you’ll need to download it from unicamp.
$ curl -o /usr/bin/terraform -L https://github.com/ppc64le-development/terraform-ppc64le/releases/download/v1.3.4/terraform-v1.3.4
$ chmod +x /usr/bin/terraform
Then download the providers from IBM’s github repo:
$ mkdir -p ~/terraform
$ cd terraform
$ curl -L https://github.com/ocp-power-automation/terraform-providers-power/releases/download/v0.11/archive.zip -o archive.zip
$ unzip archive.zip
Update the Terraform Plugins
$ terraform init --plugin-dir ~/terraform/
We then use ocp4-upi-powervm
$ set +o history
$ export POWERVC_USERNAME=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
$ export POWERVC_PASSWORD=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
$ export RHEL_SUBS_USERNAME=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
$ export RHEL_SUBS_PASSWORD=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
$ set -o history
$ terraform apply -var-file var.tfvars -var user_name="$POWERVC_USERNAME" -var password="$POWERVC_PASSWORD" -var rhel_subscription_username="$RHEL_SUBS_USERNAME" -var rhel_subscription_password="$RHEL_SUBS_PASSWORD"
Assign Pod to Node using oc run
I had to run a command to create a 1000 pods on a master node. Here is the little hack for it:
for NS in $(seq 1 1000)
oc run pause-$NS --image=docker.io/ibmcom/pause:3.1 --overrides='{"apiVersion": "v1", "spec": {"nodeSelector": { "kubernetes.io/hostname": "master-0.ocp-power.xyz" }}}'
OpenShift – Add a user as a Cluster Admin
Navigate to https://cloud.ibm.com/
- Login to ibmcloud using the commandline tool
$ ibmcloud login --sso
Select account your development account
Configure your cluster with your cluster id
$ ibmcloud oc cluster config -c ex-ocp-lon06 --admin
- Type oc login (it’ll tell you where to request the oauth token)
$ oc login
You must obtain an API token by visiting https://c108-e.eu-gb.containers.cloud.ibm.com:31344/oauth/token/request
Navigate to https://c108-e.eu-gb.containers.cloud.ibm.com:31344/oauth/token/request It may prompt you to login and then
Display Token
Login to OpenShift
$ oc login --token=sha256~aaa --server=https://c108-e.eu-gb.containers.cloud.ibm.com:31609
- List the users in your cluster
$ oc get users
IAM#d3@ibm.com 3-a5a8-4ca4-2-1 IAM:IBMid-111
IAM#d2@ibm.com 3-61e9-4cc0-3-34 IAM:IBMid-112
IAM#d1@us.ibm.com 3-4c66-44a4-5-2 IAM:IBMid-113
- Add the user to the Cluster Role
$ oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user cluster-admin 'IAM#d1@us.ibm.com'
clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/cluster-admin added: "IAM#d1@us.ibm.com"
PowerVS Regions
A great location to see which regions are supported with PowerVS and OpenShift Installer Provisioned Infrastructure, you can look at powervs_regions.go.
Security Profiles Operator
If you are working with highly secure container environments, you should consider the Security Profiles Operator. There is a great blog from Jacob that describes it in more detail and why you should care and use seccomp. link