Hi Everyone.
Thanks for sitting down and watching this video. I’m going to show you how to quickly spin up a Docker image of IBM FHIR Server, check the logs, make sure it’s healthy, and how to use the fhir-examples module with the near
The following are the directions followed in the video:
Navigate to DockerHub: IBM FHIR Server
Run the Server docker run -p9443:9443 ibmcom/ibm-fhir-server
Note, startup may take 2 minutes as the image is bootstrapping a new Apache Derby database in the image. To use Postgres or IBM Db2, please review the documentation.
Review the docker logs
Check the server is up and operational
curl -k -i -u 'fhiruser:change-password' 'https://localhost:9443/fhir-server/api/v4/$healthcheck'
You now have a running IBM FHIR Sever.
Let’s load some data using a Jupyter Notebook.
The IBM FHIR Server team wraps specification and service unit tests into a module called fhir-examples
and posts to Bintray: ibm-fhir-server-releases or go directly to the repository.
We’re going to use the python features and Jupyter Notebook to process the fhir-examples.
We’ll download the zip, filter the interesting jsons, and upload to the IBM FHIR Server in a loop.
entries = z.namelist()
for entry in entries:
if entry.startswith('json/ibm/bulk-data/location/'):
f = z.open(entry);
content = f.read()
r = requests.post('https://localhost:9443/fhir-server/api/v4/Location',
print('Done uploading - ' + entry)
We’re going to query the data on the IBM FHIR Server using the Search Query Parameter near to search within 10Km of Cambridge Massachusetts.
queryParams = {
'near': '42.373611|-71.110558|10|km',
"_count" : 200
Note, the IBM FHIR Server includes some additional search beyond the UCUM and WS48 units and it’s listed in at the Conformance page.
We’ll normalize this data and put in a Pandas dataframe.
From the dataframe, we can now add markers to the page.
cambridge = [ 42.373611, -71.11000]
map_cambridge_locs_from_server = folium.Map(location=cambridge, zoom_start=10)
# Iterate through the Rows
for location_row in location_rows :
# print(location_row)
# Cast the values into the appropriate types as FOLIUM will die weirdly without it.
lat_inc = float(location_row['resource.position.latitude'])
long_inc = float(location_row['resource.position.longitude'])
name_inc = str(location_row['resource.name'])
label = folium.Popup(name_inc, parse_html=True)
[lat_inc, long_inc],
You can see the possibilities with the IBM FHIR Server and the near search.