Engineering the World

  • Weekly Notes

    Here are my weekly notes: Flow Connector If you are using the VPC, you can track connections between your subnets and your VPC using Flow Connector. ❯ find . -name “*.gz” -exec gunzip {} \; ❯ grep -Rh | jq -r ‘.flow_logs[] | select(.action == “rejected”) | “\(.initiator_ip),\(.target_ip),\(.target_port)”‘ | sort -u | grep…

  • Weekly Notes

    Here are the very cool things I learned this week: CRI-O Graduated CRI-O has graduated at the CNCF – see the announcement Cloud Native Computing Foundation Announces Graduation of CRI-O. This points to the maturity of Cloud Native runtimes. Checking an Ignition on a Failed Instance I use PowerVS and had a bad ignition file, so I…

  • Two ways to grab the Ignition for RHCOS/OCP4

    There are two ways to grab the ignition files for the workers in the cluster: 2. Download the ignition file using the oc commandline I’m adding this because I use it every day, and others might find it helpful.

  • Protected: Webinar: Introducing Red Hat OpenShift Installer-Provisioned Installation (IPI) for IBM Power Virtual Servers

    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  • Krew plugin on ppc64le

    Posted to Hey everyone, Krew, the kubectl plugin package manager, is now available on Power. The release v0.4.4 has a ppc64le download. You can download and start taking advantage of the krew plugin list. ppc64le download It also works with OpenShift. The Krew website has a list of plugins]( Not all of the plugins support ppc64le, however may…

  • Lessons and Notes for the Week

    Here are some lessons learned from the week (and shared with other): TIP: How to create a Power Workspace from the CLI This document outlines the steps necessary to create a PowerVS workspace. 1. Login to IBM Cloud 2. Install the Plugins for PowerVS and VPC. As a good practice install, the powervs and vpc…

  • Notes for the Week

    Here are some notes from the week: The Network Observability Operator is now released on IBM Power Systems. Network observability operator now available on Power. Network Observability (NETOBSERV) for IBM Power, little endian 1 for RHEL 9 ppc64le

  • Notes from the Week

    A few things I learned this week are: There is a cool session on IPI PowerVS for OpenShift called Introducing Red Hat OpenShift Installer-Provisioned Installation (IPI) for IBM Power Virtual Servers Webinar. Did you know that you can run Red Hat OpenShift clusters on IBM Power servers? Maybe you do, but you don’t have Power…

  • Tidbits – Terraform and Multiarch

    Here is a compendium of tidbits from the week: FYI: Terraform v1.5.0 is released. It’s probably worth updating. link to ppc64le build There are new features: check blocks for validating infrastructure: Module and configuration authors can now write independent check blocks within their configuration to validate assertions about their infrastructure. Adds a new strcontains function that checks whether a given string…

  • A few more notes from the week

    A few things I learned about this week are: IBM Redbooks: Implementing, Tuning, and Optimizing Workloads with Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Power A new document provides hints and tips about how to install your Red Hat OpenShift cluster, and also provide guidance about how to size and tune your environment. I’m reading through it…