Author: Paul

  • A few more notes from the week

    A few things I learned about this week are:

    IBM Redbooks: Implementing, Tuning, and Optimizing Workloads with Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Power

    A new document provides hints and tips about how to install your Red Hat OpenShift cluster, and also provide guidance about how to size and tune your environment. I’m reading through it now – and excited.

    Upcoming Webinar: Powering AI Innovation: Exploring IBM Power with MMA and ONNX on Power10 Featuring Real Time Use Cases

    The session is going to explore showcase the impressive capabilities of MMA (Matrix Math Accelerator) on the cutting-edge Power10 architecture.

    CSI Cinder Configuration for a different availability zone

    I had a failed install on OpenStack with Power9 KVM, and I had to redirect the Image Registry to use a different operator. Use the following storage class, you’ll have to change the default and names.

    allowVolumeExpansion: true
    kind: StorageClass
      annotations: "true"
      name: standard-csi-new
    reclaimPolicy: Delete
    volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer
      availability: nova

    If you need to change the default-class, then:

    oc patch storageclass standard-csi -p '{"metadata": {"annotations": {"": "false"}}}'

    TIP: openshift-install router quota check

    FATAL failed to fetch Cluster: failed to fetch dependency of “Cluster”: failed to generate asset “Platform Quota Check”: error(MissingQuota): Router is not available because the required number of resources (1) is more than remaining quota of 0

    Then check the quota for the number of routers. You probably need to remove some old ones.

    # openstack --os-cloud openstack quota show | grep router
    | routers | 15 |
  • A few weeks of notes

    I’ve been working hard on multiarch enablement for various OpenShift features. Here are a few notes from the last few weeks:

    New Blog on Cluster API

    Delve into the powerful capabilities of Cluster API and how it enables effortless K8s cluster deployment on PowerVC: 

    Prajyot Parat from the Kubernetes/OpenShift on Power team

    It’s a really helpful and interesting solution to deploying your cluster.

    TIP: OpenShift Installer Provisioned Infrastructure on IBM Cloud

    I installed a new cluster with the openshift-installer using IPI on IBM Cloud with a pre-defined VPC with predefined networks. If your install hangs and fails mysteriously after 30-40 minutes with three provisioned RHCOS nodes trying to call out to, it could point to the Public Gateway for the network not being enabled so it can call back to

    This issue was tough to debug, and I hope it helps you.

    TIP: scp hangs because of bad mtu

    The scp command opens the channel and hangs…

    scp -vvv -i data/id_rsa sample.txt root@
    debug1: channel 0: free: client-session, nchannels 1
    debug3: channel 0: status: The following connections are open:
      #0 client-session (t4 r0 i0/0 o0/0 e[write]/0 fd 6/7/8 sock -1 cc -1)

    You can go check the optimal MTU to send to the destination.

    # ping -c 10 -M do -s 1499
    PING ( 1499(1527) bytes of data.
    ping: local error: Message too long, mtu=1500
    ping: local error: Message too long, mtu=1500
    ping: local error: Message too long, mtu=1500
    ping: local error: Message too long, mtu=1500

    Then per the link

    ip link set eth0 mtu 1400

    Then it’ll work.

    The above will help when scp hangs.

    Blog: Using the oc-compliance plugin on the OpenShift Container Platform on Power

    My team has added support for oc-compliance on OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Power, and in this post, I’m sharing the download, the setup, and using the tool in the cluster.

    The oc-compliance plugin is super helpful, and my colleague Aditi has created a new blog on oc-compliance.

    Blog: Configuring Seccomp Profile on OpenShift Container Platform for Security and Compliance on Power

    A blog on using seccomp with OCP4.

    My teammate Aditi updated for 4.12 and 4.13 (surprise no changes, which is good).

  • Weekly Notes

    Here are my weekly learnings and notes:

    Podman Desktop updates v1.0.1

    Podman Desktop is an open source graphical tool enabling you to seamlessly work with containers and Kubernetes from your local environment.

    In a cool update, the Podman Desktop team added support for OpenShift Local in v1.0.1 and Kind clusters are already there. We can do some advanced stuff. You may have to download extensions and upgrade Podman to v4.5.0.

    ❯ brew upgrade podman-desktop
    🍺  podman-desktop was successfully upgraded!

    Skupper… interesting

    Skupper is a layer 7 service interconnect. It enables secure communication across Kubernetes clusters with no VPNs or special firewall rules.

    There is a new layer-7 interconnect. There is a sample

    Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform 4.13.0 is generally available

    I’ve been working on the product for 4.13.0 – oc new-app and new-build support.

    Podman Cheat Sheet

    Podman Cheat Sheet covers all the basic commands for managing images, containers, and container resources. Super helpful for those stuck finding the right command to build/manage or run your container.

    File Integrity Operator: Using File Integrity Operator to support file integrity checks on OpenShift Container Platform on Power

    My colleague has published a blog on File Integrity Operator.

    As part of this series, I have written a blog on PCI-DSS and the Compliance Operator to have a secure and compliant cluster. Part of the cluster’s security and compliance depends on the File Integrity Operator – an operator that uses intrusion detection rules to verify the integrity of files and directories on cluster’s nodes.
  • Weekly Notes

    Here are my notes from the week:

    1. Subnet to CIDR block Cheat Sheet
    2. OpenShift Installer Provisioned Infrastructure for IBM Cloud VPC

    rfc1878: Subnet CIDR Cheat Sheet

    I found a great cheat sheet for CIDR subnet masks.

       Mask value:                             # of
       Hex            CIDR   Decimal           addresses  Classfull    /1         2048 M     128 A
       C0.00.00.00    /2         1024 M      64 A
       E0.00.00.00    /3          512 M      32 A
       F0.00.00.00    /4          256 M      16 A
       F8.00.00.00    /5          128 M       8 A
       FC.00.00.00    /6           64 M       4 A
       FE.00.00.00    /7           32 M       2 A
       FF.00.00.00    /8           16 M       1 A
       FF.80.00.00    /9          8 M     128 B
       FF.C0.00.00   /10          4 M      64 B
       FF.E0.00.00   /11          2 M      32 B
       FF.F0.00.00   /12       1024 K      16 B
       FF.F8.00.00   /13        512 K       8 B
       FF.FC.00.00   /14        256 K       4 B
       FF.FE.00.00   /15        128 K       2 B
       FF.FF.00.00   /16         64 K       1 B
       FF.FF.80.00   /17       32 K     128 C
       FF.FF.C0.00   /18       16 K      64 C
       FF.FF.E0.00   /19        8 K      32 C
       FF.FF.F0.00   /20        4 K      16 C
       FF.FF.F8.00   /21        2 K       8 C
       FF.FF.FC.00   /22        1 K       4 C
       FF.FF.FE.00   /23      512         2 C
       FF.FF.FF.00   /24      256         1 C
       FF.FF.FF.80   /25    128       1/2 C
       FF.FF.FF.C0   /26     64       1/4 C
       FF.FF.FF.E0   /27     32       1/8 C
       FF.FF.FF.F0   /28     16      1/16 C
       FF.FF.FF.F8   /29      8      1/32 C
       FF.FF.FF.FC   /30      4      1/64 C
       FF.FF.FF.FE   /31      2     1/128 C
       FF.FF.FF.FF   /32      1

    Thanks to the following sites for the clue to the rfc and the rfc.

    Mutating WebHook to add Node Selectors

    Thanks to these sites

    1. hmcts/k8s-env-injector provided inspiration for this approach and updates the code patterns for the latest kubernetes versions.
    2. phenixblue/imageswap-webhook provided the python based pattern for this approach.
    3. Kubernetes: MutatingAdmissionWebhook

    I added some code to add annotations and nodeSelectors

    Installing OpenShift install provisioned infrastructure on IBM Cloud VPC

    This document outlines installing the IPI IBMCloud using the openshift-installer.

    As of OpenShift 4.13, you can install a cluster into an existing Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) on IBM Cloud VPC. The installation program provisions the required infrastructure, which you can then further customize.

    This document describes the creation of OCP cluster using IPI (Installer Provisioned Infrastructure) on exiting IBM Cloud VPC.

    This setup is used with the day-2 operations on PowerVS to make a multiarch compute cluster.

    1. Create IBM API Key
    2. Create the IAM Services
    3. Pick your build
    4. Deploy

    1. Create IBM API Key

    1. Navigate to API keys iam – api keys
    2. Click Create
    3. Enter name rdr-demo
    4. Click Create
    5. Copy your API key, it’ll be used later on.

    2. Create the IAM Services

    1. Navigate to Service Ids iam – serviceids
    2. click create service id with name rdr-demo to identify your team.
    3. assign access
    Internet Services	All	Viewer, Operator, Editor, Reader, Writer, Manager, Administrator		--	
    Cloud Object Storage	All	Viewer, Operator, Editor, Reader, Writer, Manager, Content Reader, Object Reader, Object Writer, Administrator		--	
    IAM Identity Service	All	Viewer, Operator, Editor, Administrator, ccoctlPolicy, policycreate		--	
    Resource group only	ocp-dev-resource-group resource group	Viewer, Administrator, Editor, Operator		--	
    VPC Infrastructure Services	All	Viewer, Operator, Editor, Reader, Writer, Administrator, Manager

    3. Pick your build

    I used 4.13.0-rc.7.

    4. Deploy

    1. Connect to your jumpserver or bastion where you are doing the deployment.

    Tip: it’s worth having tmux installed for this install (it’ll take about 1h30m)

    1. Export the API KEY you created above
    ❯ export IC_API_KEY=<REDACTED>
    1. Create a working folder
    ❯ mkdir -p ipi-vpc-414-rc7
    ❯ cd ipi-vpc-414-rc7
    1. Download the installers and extract to the binary folder.
    ❯ curl -O -L
    ❯ curl -O -L
    ❯ curl -O -L
    ❯ tar xvf ccoctl-linux.tar.gz --dir /usr/local/bin/
    ❯ tar xvf openshift-client-linux.tar.gz --dir /usr/local/bin/
    ❯ tar xvf openshift-install-linux.tar.gz --dir /usr/local/bin/
    1. Verify the openshift-install version is correct.
    ❯ openshift-install version
    openshift-install 4.13.0-rc.7
    built from commit 3e0b2a2ec26d9ffcca34b361896418499ad9d603
    release image
    release architecture amd64
    1. Copy over your pull-secret.

    a. Login with your Red Hat id

    b. Navigate to 

    c. Scroll down the page and copy the pull-secret.

    This pull-secret should work for you and save for later as pull-secret.txt in the working directory.

    1. Extract the CloudControlsRequest objects and create the credentials.
    RELEASE_IMAGE=$(openshift-install version | awk '/release image/ {print $3}')
    oc adm release extract --cloud=ibmcloud --credentials-requests $RELEASE_IMAGE --to=rdr-demo
    ccoctl ibmcloud create-service-id --credentials-requests-dir rdr-demo --output-dir rdr-demo-out --name rdr-demo --resource-group-name ocp-dev-resource-group
    1. Create the install-config
    ❯ openshift-install create install-config --dir rc7_2
    ? SSH Public Key /root/.ssh/                                                                     
    ? Platform ibmcloud                                                                                        
    ? Region jp-osa                                                                                            
    ? Base Domain (rdr-multi-is)                                                             
    ? Cluster Name rdr-multi-pb                                                                                
    ? Pull Secret [? for help] ********************************************************************************
    INFO Manifests created in: rc7_1/manifests and rc7_1/openshift
    1. Edit the install-config.yaml to add resourceGroupName
        region: jp-osa
        resourceGroupName: my-resource-group 
    1. Copy the generated ccoctl manifests over.
    ❯ cp rdr-demo-out/manifests/* rc7_1/manifests/
    1. Create the manifests.
    ❯ openshift-install create manifests --dir=rc7_1
    INFO Consuming OpenShift Install (Manifests) from target directory
    INFO Manifests created in: rc7_1/manifests and rc7_1/openshift
    1. Create the cluster.
    ❯ openshift-install create cluster --dir=rc7_3
    INFO Consuming Worker Machines from target directory
    INFO Consuming Common Manifests from target directory
    INFO Consuming Openshift Manifests from target directory
    INFO Consuming OpenShift Install (Manifests) from target directory
    INFO Consuming Master Machines from target directoryINFO Obtaining RHCOS image file from ''                                   
    INFO The file was found in cache: /root/.cache/openshift-installer/image_cache/rhcos-413.92.202305021736-0-ibmcloud.x86_64.qcow2. Reusing...           INFO Creating infrastructure resources...
    INFO Waiting up to 20m0s (until 12:09PM) for the Kubernetes API at 
    INFO API v1.26.3+b404935 up                       
    INFO Waiting up to 30m0s (until 12:19PM) for bootstrapping to complete... 
    INFO Destroying the bootstrap resources...        
    INFO Waiting up to 40m0s (until 12:41PM) for the cluster at to initialize... 
    INFO Checking to see if there is a route at openshift-console/console... 
    INFO Install complete!                            
    INFO To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run 'export KUBECONFIG=/root/ipi-vpc-414-rc7/rc7_3/auth/kubeconfig' 
    INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here: 
    INFO Login to the console with user: "kubeadmin", and password: "xxxxxxxxx-wwwwww-xxxx-aas" 
    INFO Time elapsed: 1h28m9s      
    1. Verify the cluster

    a. set kubeconfig provided by installation

    export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/rc7_1/auth/kubeconfig

    b. Check the nodes are Ready

    ❯  oc get nodes
    NAME                                    STATUS   ROLES          AGE     		VERSION
    rdr-multi-ca-rc6-tplwd-master-0             Ready    control-plane,master  5h13m   v1.26.3+b404935
    rdr-multi-ca-rc6-tplwd-master-1             Ready    control-plane,master  5h13m   v1.26.3+b404935
    rdr-multi-ca-rc6-tplwd-master-2             Ready    control-plane,master  5h13m   v1.26.3+b404935
    rdr-multi-ca-rc6-tplwd-worker-1-pfqjx  Ready    worker                 	4h47m   v1.26.3+b404935
    rdr-multi-ca-rc6-tplwd-worker-1-th8j4  Ready    worker                 4h47m   v1.26.3+b404935
    rdr-multi-ca-rc6-tplwd-worker-1-xl75m Ready    worker                 4h53m   v1.26.3+b404935

    c. Check Cluster Operators

    ❯ oc get co
    NAME                                       	VERSION       AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   DEGRADED   SINCE   MESSAGE
    authentication                             	4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      4h43m
    baremetal                              	4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      5h5m
    cloud-controller-manager            4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      5h13m
    cloud-credential                           	4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      5h18m
    cluster-autoscaler                         	4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      5h5m
    config-operator                      	4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      5h7m
    console                           	       	4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      4h47m
    control-plane-machine-set     	4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      5h5m
    csi-snapshot-controller                 4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      4h54m
    dns                                        	4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      4h54m
    etcd                                       	4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      4h57m
    image-registry                             	4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      4h50m
    ingress                                    	4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      4h51m
    insights                                   	4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      5h
    kube-apiserver                             	4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      4h53m
    kube-controller-manager             4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      4h53m
    kube-scheduler                             	4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      4h52m
    kube-storage-version-migrator   4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      4h54m
    machine-api                                	4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      4h48m
    machine-approver                         4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      5h5m
    machine-config                             	4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      5h6m
    marketplace                                	4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      5h5m
    monitoring                                 	4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      4h45m
    network                                    	4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      5h8m
    node-tuning                                	4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      4h54m
    openshift-apiserver                       4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      4h47m
    openshift-controller-manager     4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      4h54m
    openshift-samples                         4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      4h50m
    operator-lifecycle-manager         4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      5h6m
    operator-lifecycle-manager-catalog         4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      5h6m
    operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver   4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      4h51m
    service-ca                                 	4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      5h7m
    storage                                    	4.13.0-rc.6   True        False         False      4h51m

    Note – Confirm that all master/worker nodes and operators are running healthy and true.

    1. Verify the browser login

    A. Open Browser and Login to Console URL using available credentials. e.g.,

    URL -
    	Username – kubeadmin
    	Password - <Generated Password>
    1. destroy cluster Fire below mentioned command to destroy cluster by specifying installation directory.
    ❯ ./openshift-install destroy cluster --dir  ocp413-rc6 --log-level=debug

    This should destroy all resources created for cluster. If you have provisioned other resources in the generated subnet, the destroy command will fail.


    1. You can use pre-provisioned VPC see
    2. Cloud credential request – An admin will have to create these for you, and as such, you’ll need to copy them over to the right locations in manifests/
    3. use --log-level debug with the installer to inspect the run.


    1. installing on ibm cloud vpc
    2. create service id
    3. Exporting the IBM Cloud VPC API key
  • Weekly Notes

    I found these things very helpful this week

    Tip: Creating a Manifest List Image for Acme Airlines

    podman manifest create \ \ \
    podman manifest push
    Copying 3 of 3 images in list
    Copying image sha256:7832d25f2dce210e453eac6b88f9cb3ebd49b8f89fb4861cd23bc19bfb27ab86 (1/3)
    Getting image source signatures
    Copying blob sha256:5b341ad1266c1f4dd6017a2efafe35397a6b9317faf7933137e7368f778bca2a
    Copying config sha256:8ba7bc1af7fe17f17df0707fbc0835392641902a428871fe4d5e4363b56f4ce3
    Writing manifest to image destination
    Storing signatures
    Copying image sha256:511ee668c00c5becd6b979d54161507be493d8c6bb954c287098f3c2fd0db314 (2/3)
    Getting image source signatures
    Copying blob sha256:6087b8848d1db68cc3e10e4ba17aa6d81efb01a1486a59226c579fe6c9eae989
    Copying config sha256:dd9d7a1188a6135654fdc7d503664f381467bc1955fb7700583cf23fa61c1388
    Writing manifest to image destination
    Storing signatures
    Copying image sha256:e48177344209196fd529abb531f2dbc3e414ea0d69f48a7c7838b4725058aed3 (3/3)
    Getting image source signatures
    Copying blob sha256:fd555f115f1f8370328b19ded057891778434997fc4f63717ddfe93786b71f5c
    Copying config sha256:fc4c32ec264db03c9e4b7e441d16826cc1878b6e5a7ef1f432a2005b4687d89d
    Writing manifest to image destination
    Storing signatures
    Writing manifest list to image destination
    Storing list signatures

    Tip: Sock Shop Demo

    Provides a solid microservices demo.


    Tip: NUMA Background

    There are some issues with NUMA control that make it so much harder to manage. There are some issues with NUMA nodes and container platforms.

    • 1.
    • 2.
    • 3.
  • Weekly Notes

    There are so many interesting things to share:

    1. google/go-containerregistry has some super helpful tools, in fact I raised a PR to make sure they build ppc64le binaries #1680

    crane is a tool for interacting with remote images and registries.

    You can extract a binary my-util for a given architecture using:

    crane export ppc64le/image-id:tag image.tar
    tar xvf image.tar bin/my-util

    You can extract a binary from a manifest-listed image using:

    crane export --platform ppc64le image-id:tag image.tar
    tar xvf image.tar bin/my-util
    1. I found ko which enables multiarch builds (a complete manifest list image).
    2. Quickly checking manifest-list image’s supported architectures
    podman manifest inspect | jq -r '.manifests[].platform.architecture'
    1. My team tagged new releases for:

    a. IBM/powervs-tang-server-automation: v1.0.4 b. IBM/powervm-tang-server-automation: v1.0.0

  • Development Notes

    Here are some things I found interesting this week:

    Day-0 Day-1 Day-2 Definitions

    day-0: customized installation
    day-1: customization performed only once after installing a cluster,
    day-2: tasks performed multiple times during the life of a cluster

    Thanks to a Red Hat colleague for this wonderful definition.

    sfdisk tips

    I used sfdisk in a PowerVM project. I found these commands helpful

    # sfdisk --json /dev/mapper/mpatha
       "partitiontable": {
          "label": "dos",
          "id": "0x14fc63d2",
          "device": "/dev/mapper/mpatha",
          "unit": "sectors",
          "partitions": [
             {"node": "/dev/mapper/mpatha1", "start": 2048, "size": 8192, "type": "41", "bootable": true},
             {"node": "/dev/mapper/mpatha2", "start": 10240, "size": 251647967, "type": "83"}
    # sfdisk --dump /dev/mapper/mpatha
    label: dos
    label-id: 0x14fc63d2
    device: /dev/mapper/mpatha
    unit: sectors
    /dev/mapper/mpatha1 : start=        2048, size=        8192, type=41, bootable
    /dev/mapper/mpatha2 : start=       10240, size=   251647967, type=83

    Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform IPI Config for IBM Cloud VPC

    I generated an example configuration

    additionalTrustBundlePolicy: Proxyonly
    apiVersion: v1
    credentialsMode: Manual
    - architecture: amd64
      hyperthreading: Enabled
      name: worker
          - jp-osa-1 
      replicas: 3
      architecture: amd64
      hyperthreading: Enabled
      name: master
      replicas: 3
          - jp-osa-1
      name: rdr-test
      - cidr:
        hostPrefix: 23
      - cidr:
      networkType: OVNKubernetes
      - jp-osa2-1
        region: jp-osa
        resourceGroupName: dev-resource-group
        vpcName: ma-compute-vpc
          - ma-compute-sn1 
          - ma-compute-sn1
    publish: External
    pullSecret: 'XYZWX'
    sshKey: ssh-ed25519 XYZWX
    fips: false
  • Weekly Notes

    Here are my weekly notes for the week of 10 April 2023

    Background on Confidential Computing

    Confidential Containers (CoCo) is a new sandbox project of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) that enables cloud-native confidential computing by taking advantage of a variety of hardware platforms and technologies.

    It’s a very cool project, and I’ll be following it.

    Grabbing a v3.2.0 Ignition file

    curl -k -k -H "Accept: application/vnd.coreos.ignition+json;version=3.2.0" | jq -r . > worker-$(date +%Y-%m-%d).ign
    quick hack to get a worker MachineConfigPool Ignition
  • Weekly Tips and Notes

    The tips and notes for the week are included, I hope they help you.

    TIP: Check the System Admins on OpenShift

    A quick one to find the cluster-admins…

    ❯ oc --kubeconfig=./openstack-upi/auth/kubeconfig get clusterrolebindings -o json | jq -r '.items[] | select("cluster-admins") | .subjects[].name' | sort -u


    Tip: Can I act as kube-admin?

    I needed to double check if I could act as kube:admin.

    ❯ oc --kubeconfig=./openstack-upi/auth/kubeconfig auth can-i create pod -A


    Blog Post: Advanced debugging techniques for OpenShift Container Platform on Power

    In this blog post, I am showing how to use advanced debugging techniques for OpenShift Container Platform on Power using bpftrace and lsof. This blog post unlocks the steps to debug complicated problems and you can follow these steps to debug the problems in your application or your cluster.

    It’s a solid blog on how to do advanced debugging on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Power.


    Tip: Double check the payload / architecture type

    To double check the Payload loaded in your cluster (amd64, multi, arm64, ppc64le, s390x).

    You can run:

    # oc get clusterversion version -o json | jq '.status.conditions[] | select(.type == "ReleaseAccepted")'
      "lastTransitionTime": "2023-04-04T13:27:49Z",
      "message": "Payload loaded version=\"4.13.0-rc.2\" image=\"\" architecture=\"Multi\"",
      "reason": "PayloadLoaded",
      "status": "True",
      "type": "ReleaseAccepted"

    Blog Post: Open Source Container images for Power now available in IBM Container Registry

    The IBM teams have added support for a variety of Open Source tools, and you can pull them from the ppc64le-oss registry.

    The IBM Linux on Power team is pleased to announce that we are centralizing our public open source container images in the IBM Container Registry (ICR). This should assure end users that IBM has authentically built these containers in a secure environment. Formerly, the indicator that a container was built by IBM was that they were in Docker Hub under the ibmcom namespace. The migration to the IBM Container Registry will add clarity to their origin.

    docker pull
    docker pull

    Tip: findmnt / sfdisk are super helpful.

    Thanks to linode I learned about findmnt and sfdisk

    # Declare native filesystem and reload with partprobe
    echo 'type=83' | sfdisk ${storage_device} || partprobe
    # Format the disk
    mkfs.xfs "${storage_device}1"
    # Mount the fs to our storage folder.
    mount -t xfs /dev/mapper/mpathb1 /<<Please replace with actual>
    # findmnt
    TARGET                         SOURCE      FSTYPE      OPTIONS
    /                              /dev/sda3   xfs         rw,relatime,seclabel,attr2,inode64,logbufs=8,logbsize=32k,noquota
    |-/proc                        proc        proc        rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime
    | `-/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc   systemd-1   autofs      rw,relatime,fd=36,pgrp=1,timeout=0,minproto=5,maxproto=5,direct,pipe_ino=10696
    |   `-/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc binfmt_misc binfmt_misc rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime
    |-/sys                         sysfs       sysfs       rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,seclabel
    | |-/sys/kernel/security       securityfs  securityfs  rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime
    | |-/sys/fs/cgroup             cgroup2     cgroup2     rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,seclabel,nsdelegate,memory_recursiveprot
    | |-/sys/fs/pstore             pstore      pstore      rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,seclabel
    | |-/sys/fs/bpf                none        bpf         rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,mode=700
    | |-/sys/fs/selinux            selinuxfs   selinuxfs   rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime
    | |-/sys/kernel/tracing        tracefs     tracefs     rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,seclabel
    | |-/sys/kernel/debug          debugfs     debugfs     rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,seclabel
    | |-/sys/kernel/config         configfs    configfs    rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime
    | `-/sys/fs/fuse/connections   fusectl     fusectl     rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime
    |-/dev                         devtmpfs    devtmpfs    rw,nosuid,seclabel,size=7779520k,nr_inodes=121555,mode=755,inode64
    | |-/dev/shm                   tmpfs       tmpfs       rw,nosuid,nodev,seclabel,inode64
    | |-/dev/pts                   devpts      devpts      rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,seclabel,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000
    | |-/dev/mqueue                mqueue      mqueue      rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,seclabel
    | `-/dev/hugepages             hugetlbfs   hugetlbfs   rw,relatime,seclabel,pagesize=16M
    |-/run                         tmpfs       tmpfs       rw,nosuid,nodev,seclabel,size=3126208k,nr_inodes=819200,mode=755,inode64
    | `-/run/user/0                tmpfs       tmpfs       rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,seclabel,size=1563072k,nr_inodes=390768,mode=700,inode64
    |-/var/lib/nfs/rpc_pipefs      rpc_pipefs  rpc_pipefs  rw,relatime
    `-/boot                        /dev/sdb2   xfs         rw,relatime,seclabel,attr2,inode64,logbufs=8,logbsize=32k,noquota
  • Weekly Notes

    For the week, I ran across a few things and wrote one blog for the IBM Power Developer Exchange.

    1. Provisioning Fedora CoreOS on QEMU

    a. get the coreos container

    coreos-installer download -s "${STREAM}" -p qemu -f qcow2.xz --decompress -C ~/.local/share/libvirt/images/

    b. create the qemu vm

    # for s390x/ppc64le:
    IGNITION_DEVICE_ARG="-drive file=${IGNITION_CONFIG},if=none,format=raw,readonly=on,id=ignition -device virtio-blk,serial=ignition,drive=ignition"
    qemu-kvm -m 2048 -cpu host -nographic -snapshot \
    	-drive if=virtio,file=${IMAGE} ${IGNITION_DEVICE_ARG}
    	-nic user,model=virtio,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22
    1. coreos/butane has a nice getting started page with advanced configuration for OpenShift 4.13 link
    2. A curated list of OCP Security and Compliance info

    As you define, build, and run your OpenShift Container Platform cluster, you should be aware of the rich security features available. Here is a curated list of security and compliance focused resources on topics from configuring FIPS to using the Compliance Operator on the Power Platform: #PDeX #IBM #IBMPower #RedHat #OpenShift #Containers #Security #Compliance