Multi-Arch Compute for Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform on IBM Power systems lets one use a pair of compute architectures, such as, ppc64le and amd64, within a single cluster. This feature opens new possibilities for versatility and optimization for composite solutions that span multiple architectures. The cluster owner is able to add an additional worker post installation.
With User Provisioned Infrastructure (UPI), the cluster owner may have used automation or manual setup of front-end load balancers. The IBM team provides PowerVS ocp4-upi-powervs, PowerVM ocp4-upi-powervm and HMC ocp4-upi-powervm-hmc automation.
When installing a cluster, the cluster is setup with ab external load balancer, such as haproxy. The external load balancer routes traffic to pools the Ingress Pods, API Server and MachineConfig server. The haproxy configuration is stored at /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
For instance, the configuration for ingress-https load balancer would look like the following:
frontend ingress-https
bind *:443
default_backend ingress-https
mode tcp
option tcplog
backend ingress-https
balance source
mode tcp
server master0 check
server master1 check
server master2 check
server worker0 check
server worker1 check
server worker2 check
When adding a post-installation worker to a UPI cluster, one must update the ingress-http
and ingress-https
. Y
- Get the IP and hostname
# oc get nodes --no-headers=true -ojson | jq -c '.items[].status.addresses'
- Edit the
a. Find backend ingress-http
then before the first server
entry add the worker hostnames and ips.
server worker-amd64-0 check
server worker-amd64-1 check
b. Find backend ingress-https
then before the first server
entry add the worker hostnames and ips.
server worker-amd64-0 check
server worker-amd64-1 check
c. Save the config file.
- Restart the haproxy
# systemctl restart haproxy
You now have the additional workers incorporated into the haproxy, and as the ingress pods are moved from Power to Intel and back. You have a fully functional environment.
Best wishes.
P.S. You can learn more about scalling up the ingress controller at Scaling an Ingress Controller
$ oc patch -n openshift-ingress-operator ingresscontroller/default --patch '{"spec":{"replicas": 3}}' --type=merge
P.P.S If you are running very advanced scenarios, you can change the ingresscontroller spec.nodePlacement.nodeSelector
to put the workload on specific architectures. see Configuring an Ingress Controller
matchLabels: ppc64le
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