For the month, I learned lots of things, and wanted to share them as part of snippets that you might find useful.
The Power Developer Exchange article dives into using the Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform and how to create PowerVS instances with Ansible. The collection is available at
Per the blog, you learn to start a sample controller UI and running some sample program such as hello_world.yaml playbook to say hello to Ansible. With Ansible the options are infinite, and there is always something more to explore. We would like to know how you are using this solution, so drop us a comment.
IBM Power Developer Exchange
kube-burner is now a CNCF project
kube-burner is a Kubernetes performance and scale test orchestration framework written in golang
Clock Drift Fix for Podman
To update the default Podman-Machine:
podman machine ssh --username root -- sed -i 's/^makestep\ .*$/makestep\ 1\ -1/' /etc/chrony.conf
podman machine ssh --username root -- systemctl restart chronyd
Advanced Cluster Manage cross Networks
The cluster wasn’t getting loaded, so I checked the following…. and it pointed to an issue of a call back to a cluster inside my firewall setup. The klusterlet shows that it’s an issue with a callback.
oc get pod -n open-cluster-management-agent
❯ oc get klusterlet klusterlet -oyaml
Failed to create &SelfSubjectAccessReview{ObjectMeta:{ 0 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC map[] map[] [] [] []},Spec:SelfSubjectAccessReviewSpec{ResourceAttributes:&ResourceAttributes{Namespace:,Verb:create,,Version:,Resource:managedclusters,Subresource:,Name:,},NonResourceAttributes:nil,},Status:SubjectAccessReviewStatus{Allowed:false,Reason:,EvaluationError:,Denied:false,},} with bootstrap secret “open-cluster-management-agent” “bootstrap-hub-kubeconfig”: Post “https://api.<XYZ>.com:6443/apis/”: dial tcp: lookup on no such host
Fun way to look at design
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