Question: How to use IBM FHIR Server Notifications with IBM Cloud Functions?

A question I had recently was “How to use IBM FHIR Server” with IBM Cloud Functions….

Here is the recipe:

1 – Create a topic FHIR_NOTIFICATION (for instance in EventStreams)

2 – Setup a IBM Cloud Function per

3 – Update your process-message with the following code:

function main(params) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    if (!params.messages || !params.messages[0] || !params.messages[0].value) {
      reject("Invalid arguments. Must include 'messages' JSON array with 'value' field");
    const msgs = params.messages;
    const locations = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < msgs.length; i++) {
      const msg = msgs[i];

exports.main = main;

exports.main = main;

4 – Invoke with parameters

      "messages": [
          "key": null,
          "offset": 0,
          "partition": 2,
          "topic": "FHIR_NOTIFICATION",
          "value": {
            "datasourceId": "default",
            "lastUpdated": "2021-04-16T13:55:13.312415Z",
            "location": "SearchParameter/178daf6d720-d2da7624-1664-4e50-a4f8-e558ab667fac/_history/1",
            "operationType": "create",
            "resource": {
              "base": [
              "code": "diff-start-end-time",
              "description": "Example of sophisiticated extraction",
              "expression": "iif(period.start.exists() and period.end.exists(), between(period.start , period.end, 'days'), {})",
              "id": "178daf6d720-d2da7624-1664-4e50-a4f8-e558ab667fac",
              "meta": {
                "lastUpdated": "2021-04-16T13:55:13.312415Z",
                "versionId": "1"
              "name": "Example of sophisiticated extraction",
              "resourceType": "SearchParameter",
              "status": "draft",
              "type": "quantity",
              "url": ""
            "resourceId": "178daf6d720-d2da7624-1664-4e50-a4f8-e558ab667fac",
            "tenantId": "default"

4 – Click Invoke

5 – Look to the Right to see the logging/activation (Expand the tick on the right-middle of the screen)

6 – You’ll see you now have a Function connected with EventStreams.


The activation dashboard is important You can see great detail on the logs and what is passed to the Function.

  "activationId": "960f129da9f04f138f129da9f0ef13f7",
  "annotations": [
      "key": "path",
      "value": "14d753c7-8620-4caa-b6af-3934e33ae451/fhir-event-streams/process-message"
      "key": "waitTime",
      "value": 274
      "key": "kind",
      "value": "nodejs:12"
      "key": "timeout",
      "value": false
      "key": "limits",
      "value": {
        "concurrency": 1,
        "logs": 10,
        "memory": 256,
        "timeout": 60000
      "key": "initTime",
      "value": 25
  "duration": 32,
  "end": 1618583048738,
  "logs": [
    "2021-04-16T14:24:08.737951Z    stdout: [",
    "2021-04-16T14:24:08.737997Z    stdout: {",
    "2021-04-16T14:24:08.738031Z    stdout: key: null,",
    "2021-04-16T14:24:08.738037Z    stdout: offset: 0,",
    "2021-04-16T14:24:08.738042Z    stdout: partition: 2,",
    "2021-04-16T14:24:08.738047Z    stdout: topic: 'FHIR_NOTIFICATION',",
    "2021-04-16T14:24:08.738052Z    stdout: value: {",
    "2021-04-16T14:24:08.738057Z    stdout: datasourceId: 'default',",
    "2021-04-16T14:24:08.738062Z    stdout: lastUpdated: '2021-04-16T13:55:13.312415Z',",
    "2021-04-16T14:24:08.738066Z    stdout: location: 'SearchParameter/178daf6d720-d2da7624-1664-4e50-a4f8-e558ab667fac/_history/1',",
    "2021-04-16T14:24:08.738071Z    stdout: operationType: 'create',",
    "2021-04-16T14:24:08.738076Z    stdout: resource: [Object],",
    "2021-04-16T14:24:08.738081Z    stdout: resourceId: '178daf6d720-d2da7624-1664-4e50-a4f8-e558ab667fac',",
    "2021-04-16T14:24:08.738085Z    stdout: tenantId: 'default'",
    "2021-04-16T14:24:08.738134Z    stdout: }",
    "2021-04-16T14:24:08.738141Z    stdout: }",
    "2021-04-16T14:24:08.738146Z    stdout: ]",
    "2021-04-16T14:24:08.738152Z    stdout: SearchParameter/178daf6d720-d2da7624-1664-4e50-a4f8-e558ab667fac/_history/1"
  "name": "process-message",
  "namespace": "14d753c7-8620-4caa-b6af-3934e33ae451",
  "publish": false,
  "response": {
    "result": {
      "msgs": [
          "key": null,
          "offset": 0,
          "partition": 2,
          "topic": "FHIR_NOTIFICATION",
          "value": {
            "datasourceId": "default",
            "lastUpdated": "2021-04-16T13:55:13.312415Z",
            "location": "SearchParameter/178daf6d720-d2da7624-1664-4e50-a4f8-e558ab667fac/_history/1",
            "operationType": "create",
            "resource": {
              "base": [
              "code": "diff-start-end-time",
              "description": "Example of sophisiticated extraction",
              "expression": "iif(period.start.exists() and period.end.exists(), between(period.start , period.end, 'days'), {})",
              "id": "178daf6d720-d2da7624-1664-4e50-a4f8-e558ab667fac",
              "meta": {
                "lastUpdated": "2021-04-16T13:55:13.312415Z",
                "versionId": "1"
              "name": "Example of sophisiticated extraction",
              "resourceType": "SearchParameter",
              "status": "draft",
              "type": "quantity",
              "url": ""
            "resourceId": "178daf6d720-d2da7624-1664-4e50-a4f8-e558ab667fac",
            "tenantId": "default"
    "size": 877,
    "status": "success",
    "success": true
  "start": 1618583048706,
  "subject": "pb",
  "version": "0.0.1"