Tag: recipe

  • Recipe: IBM FHIR Server – Add Tenant Key, Revoke Tenant Key and Revoke All Tenant Keys

    The IBM FHIR Server supports many different persistence stores – Apache Derby, Postgres, and IBM Db2. The IBM Db2 offering includes a multi-tenancy feature with row-level permissions. Each tenant is assigned a unique internal id for the tenantName and tenantKey. The tenantKey on each JDBC connection is verified using a one-way hash, and supports allocating a tenant, adding a key to an existing tenant, revoking a key and revoking all tenant keys.


    1. Once you have created the schema on your database via the --update-schema, you can allocate a tenant.
    java -jar fhir-persistence-schema-*-cli.jar \
        --prop db.host=db \
        --prop db.port=50000 \
        --prop db.database=fhirdb \
        --prop user=db2inst1 \
        --prop password=change-password \
        --db-type db2 \
        --allocate-tenant acme32
    2021-06-22 11:19:13.226 00000001    INFO .common.JdbcConnectionProvider Opening connection to database: jdbc:db2://db:50000/fhirdb
    2021-06-22 11:19:14.346 00000001 WARNING ls.pool.PoolConnectionProvider Get connection took 1.120 seconds
    2021-06-22 11:22:59.846 00000001    INFO   com.ibm.fhir.schema.app.Main tenantId [29] is being pre-populated with lookup table data.
    2021-06-22 11:22:59.930 00000001    INFO   com.ibm.fhir.schema.app.Main Finished prepopulating the resource type and search parameter code/name tables tables
    2021-06-22 11:22:59.948 00000001    INFO   com.ibm.fhir.schema.app.Main Allocated tenant: acme32 [key=UsBglbyMJpSi/RjXwrkp0Bj2bAljUI+MixfAikdrcN0=] with Id = 29
    2021-06-22 11:22:59.949 00000001    INFO   com.ibm.fhir.schema.app.Main The tenantKey JSON follows:
    {"tenantKey": "UsBglbyMJpSi/RjXwrkp0Bj2bAljUI+MixfAikdrcN0="}
    2021-06-22 11:22:59.949 00000001    INFO   com.ibm.fhir.schema.app.Main Processing took: 226.765 s
    2021-06-22 11:22:59.950 00000001    INFO   com.ibm.fhir.schema.app.Main SCHEMA CHANGE: OK
    1. You can add a tenant key to an existing tenant.
    java -jar fhir-persistence-schema-*-cli.jar \
        --prop db.host=db \
        --prop db.port=50000 \
        --prop db.database=fhirdb \
        --prop user=db2inst1 \
        --prop password=change-password \
        --db-type db2 \
        --add-tenant-key acme32
    2021-06-22 11:25:53.254 00000001    INFO .common.JdbcConnectionProvider Opening connection to database: jdbc:db2://db:50000/fhirdb
    2021-06-22 11:25:54.197 00000001    INFO   com.ibm.fhir.schema.app.Main New tenant key: acme32 [key=UVFuDqD/V3v8d9S/XRjRQNu9eFTniksvxgIBbI6mEkg=]
    2021-06-22 11:25:54.201 00000001    INFO   com.ibm.fhir.schema.app.Main Processing took:   0.975 s
    2021-06-22 11:25:54.202 00000001    INFO   com.ibm.fhir.schema.app.Main SCHEMA CHANGE: OK
    1. List tenant to see allocated
    java -jar fhir-persistence-schema-*-cli.jar \
        --prop db.host=db \
        --prop db.port=50000 \
        --prop db.database=fhirdb \
        --prop user=db2inst1 \
        --prop password=change-password \
        --db-type db2 \
    2021-06-22 11:28:43.566 00000001    INFO .common.JdbcConnectionProvider Opening connection to database: jdbc:db2://db:50000/fhirdb
     TenantId     Status       TenantName Schema
           29  ALLOCATED           acme32 FHIRDATA
    2021-06-22 11:28:44.395 00000001    INFO   com.ibm.fhir.schema.app.Main Processing took:   0.854 s
    2021-06-22 11:28:44.396 00000001    INFO   com.ibm.fhir.schema.app.Main SCHEMA CHANGE: OK
    1. Revoking tenant key
    java -jar fhir-persistence-schema-*-cli.jar \
        --prop db.host=db \
        --prop db.port=50000 \
        --prop db.database=fhirdb \
        --prop user=db2inst1 \
        --prop password=change-password \
        --db-type db2 \
        --revoke-tenant-key acme32 \
        --tenant-key UVFuDqD/V3v8d9S/XRjRQNu9eFTniksvxgIBbI6mEkg=
    2021-06-22 11:27:17.280 00000001    INFO .common.JdbcConnectionProvider Opening connection to database: jdbc:db2://db:50000/fhirdb
    2021-06-22 11:27:18.112 00000001    INFO   com.ibm.fhir.schema.app.Main Tenant Key revoked for 'acme32' total removed=[1]
    2021-06-22 11:27:18.119 00000001    INFO   com.ibm.fhir.schema.app.Main Processing took:   0.867 s
    2021-06-22 11:27:18.120 00000001    INFO   com.ibm.fhir.schema.app.Main SCHEMA CHANGE: OK

    You’ll see one was removed.

    1. We’ll add a new key.
    java -jar fhir-persistence-schema-*-cli.jar \
        --prop db.host=db \
        --prop db.port=50000 \
        --prop db.database=fhirdb \
        --prop user=db2inst1 \
        --prop password=change-password \
        --db-type db2 \
        --add-tenant-key acme32
    2021-06-22 11:25:53.254 00000001    INFO .common.JdbcConnectionProvider Opening connection to database: jdbc:db2://db:50000/fhirdb
    2021-06-22 11:25:54.197 00000001    INFO   com.ibm.fhir.schema.app.Main New tenant key: acme32 [key=UVFuDqD/V3v8d9S/XRjRQNu9eFTniksvxgIBbI6mEkg=]
    2021-06-22 11:25:54.201 00000001    INFO   com.ibm.fhir.schema.app.Main Processing took:   0.975 s
    2021-06-22 11:25:54.202 00000001    INFO   com.ibm.fhir.schema.app.Main SCHEMA CHANGE: OK
    1. Revoking tenant key
    java -jar fhir-persistence-schema-*-cli.jar \
        --prop db.host=db \
        --prop db.port=50000 \
        --prop db.database=fhirdb \
        --prop user=db2inst1 \
        --prop password=change-password \
        --db-type db2 \
        --revoke-all-tenant-keys acme32
    2021-06-22 11:32:34.061 00000001    INFO .common.JdbcConnectionProvider Opening connection to database: jdbc:db2://db:50000/fhirdb
    2021-06-22 11:32:35.112 00000001    INFO   com.ibm.fhir.schema.app.Main Tenant Key revoked for 'acme32' total removed=[2]
    2021-06-22 11:32:35.144 00000001    INFO   com.ibm.fhir.schema.app.Main Processing took:   1.116 s
    2021-06-22 11:32:35.146 00000001    INFO   com.ibm.fhir.schema.app.Main SCHEMA CHANGE: OK

    You’ll see that two are removed.

    You now know the lifecycle for the IBM FHIR Server tenantKey – allocate, add and revoke.


  • Recipe: IBM FHIR Server – Using Hard Delete with the $erase Operation

    The IBM FHIR Server supports hard delete using the custom FHIR Operation Framework. The operation is called $erase; you can always read the design document.

    The operation supports:

    By default, the $erase operation is not enabled, and must be set to true, and the roles allowed to execute the operation, can be tweaked to FHIROperationAdmin or FHIRUsers.

    fhirServer/operations/erase/enabledbooleanEnables the $erase operation
    fhirServer/operations/erase/allowedRoleslistThe list of allowed roles, allowed entries are: FHIRUsers every authenticated user, FHIROperationAdmin which is authenticated FHIRAdmin users

    The fhir-server-config.json should be amended with a snippet like the following:

    "operations": {
                "erase": {
                    "enabled": true,
                    "allowedRoles": [

    As the $erase operation uses stored procedures for Db2 and functions for Postgres, the data schema must be updated to the 4.8.3 level. It’s also worth noting that Derby is also supported as it uses the same DAO as the Db2 and Postgres to run.

    A tip, you should search for the references to the Patient’s ResourceId, and delete the referenced resources in a Transaction Bundle. Net – Search, Assemble Bundle, Execute Batch.

    Let me show you how to run with it, and operate the $erase operation with a container (Docker: ibmcom/ibm-fhir-server).


    1. Download the fhir-server-config.json

    2. Start the Docker container, and capture the container id. It’s going to take a few moments to start up as it lays down the test database.

    docker run -d -p 9443:9443 -e BOOTSTRAP_DB=true -v $(pwd)/fhir-server-config.json:/config/config/default/fhir-server-config.json ibmcom/ibm-fhir-server

    3. Check the logs until you see:

    docker logs cde61943964464b528eb77d132fd2a4952e0eaf43588da1c9b6bb2fa584f0608
    [6/16/21, 15:31:34:533 UTC] 0000002a FeatureManage A   CWWKF0011I: The defaultServer server is ready to run a smarter planet. The defaultServer server started in 17.665 seconds.

    4. Download the Postman Collection for Version Specific Erase and All Versions Erase.

    5. Import the Postman Collections and Run

    You’ve seen how to use the $erase operation, and a bit more details on configuring and using it.

    Postman Collections

  • Recipe: IBM FHIR Server – Using Bulk Data with the Azure Blob Service

    The IBM FHIR Server has support for exporting and importing Bulk Data using extended operations for Bulk Data $import, $export and $bulkdata-status, which are implemented as Java Maven projects. The IBM FHIR Server uses JSR252 JavaBatch jobs running in the Open Liberty Java Batch Framework.

    The IBM FHIR Server supports storage providers S3 (aws-s3,ibm-cos), File System (file), and now Azure (azure-blob).

    I recently implemented support for the Azure Blob Service in IBM/FHIR Pull Request #2413. The code that supports the Azure client uses the OK Http library and not Netty to communicate with the backend. The storage provider is implemented as AzureProvider, and uses the Java – AppendBlobClient to facilitate export. To facilitate import, the code uses the BlobClient to read from a location in 10Kb blocks, and reassemble when a full block is reached. Importantly, this is done in a way to ensure full resources are returned up to a 2Gb limit.

    Overview Video

    If you want to use the IBM FHIR Server’s bulk data feature with the IBM FHIR Server, use the following recipe:

    Recipe – Azure Blob and Bulk Data

    1. Login to the Azure Portal

    2. Click Home

    3. Navigate the Azure services, and click on Storage Accounts.

    4. Click Create

    5. Enter the appropriate subscription and resource group

    6. Give it a name such as fhirintegrationit

    7. Click Review+Create

    8. Click Create

    You’ll see Deployment in Progress for a period of time.

    Once it is done, you see Your deployment is complete, proceed to the next steps.

    9. Click Go to Resource

    10. Click on Access Key

    11. Click Show keys and copy the key1’s Connection string. It’ll look like DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=fhirintegrationit;AccountKey=HIDDEN==;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net

    12. Click on Data > Containers

    13. Click +Container

    14. Fill in the container details and call it bulkdata

    14. Click on the bulkdata container

    15. Upload blob Data – AllergyIntolerance.ndjson

    You should see the file uploaded and available.

    You are now ready to use this with the IBM FHIR Server from the main branch. If you need to clone the repo go to IBM/FHIR.

    16. Build the Maven Projects and the Docker Build. You should see “[INFO] BUILD SUCCESS” after each Maven build, and “=> naming to docker.io/ibmcom/ibm-fhir-server:latest” when the Docker build is successful.

    mvn clean install -f fhir-examples -B -DskipTests -ntp
    mvn clean install -f fhir-parent -B -DskipTests -ntp
    docker build -t ibmcom/ibm-fhir-server:latest fhir-install

    17. Download the fhir-server-config.json

    18. Open the fhir-server-config.json and update fhirServer/bulkdata/storageProviders/default entry to be the connection is updated to your Connection string from above.

    17. Start the Docker container, and capture the container id. It’s going to take a few moments to start up as it lays down the test database.

    docker run -d -p 9443:9443 -e BOOTSTRAP_DB=true -v $(pwd)/fhir-server-config.json:/config/config/default/fhir-server-config.json ibmcom/ibm-fhir-server

    18. Check the logs until you see:

    docker logs cde61943964464b528eb77d132fd2a4952e0eaf43588da1c9b6bb2fa584f0608
    [6/16/21, 15:31:34:533 UTC] 0000002a FeatureManage A   CWWKF0011I: The defaultServer server is ready to run a smarter planet. The defaultServer server started in 17.665 seconds.

    19. Create an $import request and capture the content-location header.

    20. Check and poll until you get response code 200 (you should only get 202 in the interim) until you see (note 99 failed validation which is expected):

    curl -v -k --user 'fhiruser:change-password' 'https://localhost:9443/fhir-server/api/v4/$bulkdata-status?job=UKt4ESCnqOvAfxYWhdsfUg'
    < HTTP/2 200
    < content-type: application/json
    < date: Wed, 16 Jun 2021 16:01:54 GMT
    < content-language: en-US
    < content-length: 501
        "transactionTime": "2021-06-16T15:59:53.086Z",
        "request": "https://localhost:9443/fhir-server/api/v4/$import",
        "requiresAccessToken": false,
        "output": [
                "type": "OperationOutcome",
                "url": "AllergyIntolerance.ndjson_oo_success.ndjson",
                "count": 1600
        "error": [
                "type": "OperationOutcome",
                "url": "AllergyIntolerance.ndjson_oo_errors.ndjson",
                "count": 99
    * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact

    21. We can check to see if there is data on the server, and there are 1600 resources.

    curl -v -k --user 'fhiruser:change-password' 'https://localhost:9443/fhir-server/api/v4/AllergyIntolerance?_format=json'

    22. Now we run $export and capture the content-location:

    curl --location --request GET -k -v 'https://localhost:9443/fhir-server/api/v4/$export?_outputFormat=application/fhir+ndjson&_type=AllergyIntolerance' \
    --header 'X-FHIR-TENANT-ID: default' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/fhir+json' \
    --header 'X-FHIR-BULKDATA-PROVIDER: default' \
    --header 'X-FHIR-BULKDATA-PROVIDER-OUTCOME: default' \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic ZmhpcnVzZXI6Y2hhbmdlLXBhc3N3b3Jk'
    < HTTP/2 202
    < content-location: https://localhost:9443/fhir-server/api/v4/$bulkdata-status?job=LqzauvqtHSmkpChVHo%2B1MQ
    < date: Wed, 16 Jun 2021 16:39:19 GMT
    < content-length: 0
    < content-language: en-US
    * Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
    * Closing connection 0

    23. Poll and check the response 202 or 200 and the contents of the response. (empty until done)

    curl -k --user 'fhiruser:change-password' 'https://localhost:9443/fhir-server/api/v4/$bulkdata-status?job=LqzauvqtHSmkpChVHo%2B1MQ'
        "transactionTime": "2021-06-16T16:39:26.551Z",
        "request": "https://localhost:9443/fhir-server/api/v4/$export?_outputFormat=application/fhir+ndjson&_type=AllergyIntolerance",
        "requiresAccessToken": false,
        "output": [
                "type": "AllergyIntolerance",
                "url": "c7GRY0uFsu-hO_QlquVZJr_7hTg5c_m6SHlZ1z3Z7J4/AllergyIntolerance_1.ndjson",
                "count": 1600

    24. Check Azure Blob Service and you’ll see the folder and file on Azure Blob Service

    25. Download and check there are 1600 lines.

    You now know how to use Azure and Bulk Data.