Automation and Build Tips

Solution: Host Override using Curl

curl -H "Host: <hostname>" http://<ip>:9080/path-to-api

The hostname should be the remote domain name and the IP should be the node specific IP.


Travis APIs – LINTING the Travis Yaml

To lint the travis.yml run the following


curl -X POST -H "Accept: application/vnd.travis-ci.2+json" -H "Authorization: token <MYTOKEN>" --data-binary "@./.travis.yml" -v

Example Response

{"lint":{"warnings":[{"key":["deploy"],"message":"dropping \"file\" section: unexpected sequence"},{"key":[],"message":"value for \"addons\" section is empty, dropping"},{"key":["addons"],"message":"unexpected key \"apt\", dropping"}]}}

More detail at

Finding a File in an RPM via Java

I had to find a file in an RPM using Java. It was a really handy learning experience so I used the open source libraries which support a developer compressing and opening cpio, rpm files. Commons IO has a nice IOUtils feature which I used for ease of use.

Download the files from Apache Commons IO Apache Commons Compress Redline RPM

There are a lot of tips included in the following gist:

GitHub Action: Skip on Label

In your GitHub Action, use if: "!contains(github.event.head_commit.message, 'ci skip')"

You can see an example at this job

An example copied below

runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: "!contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'ci-skip')"
java: [ 'openjdk11' ]
persistence: [ 'postgres' ]
fail-fast: false

Primer: Tips for using Random Test Files

On Mac and Linux, create a random file

dd if=/dev/urandom of=random-test-file-100m bs=1024k count=100


$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=random-test-file-100m bs=1024k count=100
100+0 records in
100+0 records out
102400000 bytes transferred in 10.143507 secs (10095128 bytes/sec)

This is a random file. You should also use shasum -A 256 and make sure the file you are using for test is what you get back. Do also remember 1024 bytes to a KB… use blocksizes of 1024

On linux, create a fast file:

fallocate -l 100M test-file-100m

This takes less than a second. The file is not good for testing random behaviors with large files as the generated file is huge, but the same bytes repated for 100M.

To check the size of the sample files, you can use human readable format settings.

MacBook-Air:test user$ ls -lSh
total 24
-rw-r–r– 1 user staff 10K Dec 20 19:53 setup.log

VirtualBox Installation Issue – Code Signer

While installing virtualbox, I ran into this issue Kernel Install Error

Net: the Oracle/VirtualBox ID is NOT in the approved keys/certs.

I did not follow the exact steps.

Launch Terminal sudo -s

Enter password for the user to switch spctl kext-consent –disable

Install VirtualBox spctl kext-consent –enable

At the end of the steps, I was able to launch VirtualBox. I did not have to reboot.

Solution: Control M character and Coalesce

How to remove CTRL-M (^M) characters from a file in Linux

Removing the ^M character in VIM / VI


If you do end up taking bad data, Coalesce when you pull it out to clear it out. When you have an unexpected bad data coalesce it. IF NULL, THEN the alternative in COALESCE

Solution: Automation: Virtual Box and Cisco

I ran into this issue with CISCO VPN and VirtualBox where the VBox is unable to resolve DNS on the VPN of the host

$ VBoxManage list vms
“Data Stage Server” {e94cc386-9ab9-476c-8dfa-fa877ffa0c8c}
$ VBoxManage modifyvm “Data Stage Server” –natdnshostresolver1 on

Solution: Locked out of Terminal Services

<bang-head/> I locked my team out of a terminal services session when I stopped the terminal server. I am on a Mac and could not restart the service using the MMC snap-in.

I installed Samba4 – samba4-common and used the net rpc service start on TermService and bam… back in business.

[root@hostname ~]# net rpc service start TermService -I --user Administrator
Enter Administrator's password:
Successfully started service: TermService


Jenkinsfile Triggers

It took me far too long to get Jenkinsfile to stop overwriting my Triggers as noted in issue 692. You’ll see:

WARNING: The properties step will remove all JobPropertys currently 
configured in this job, either from the UI or from an earlier properties 
