Co-Inventing Model with Gephi

I was curious who my frequent co-inventors were, so I downloaded Gephi. I downloaded my patent data from Google Patents and built a fun little model from CSV data (similar to the attached).

Matthew E. Broomhall 121 PAUL Bastide
Robert E. Loredo 119 PAUL Bastide
Fang Lu 60 PAUL Bastide
Alaa Abou Mahmoud 43 PAUL Bastide
Lisa Seacat Deluca 23 PAUL Bastide
Lydia M. Do 17 PAUL Bastide
Dale M. Schultz 13 PAUL Bastide
Andrew E. Davis 7 PAUL Bastide
Ralph E. LeBlanc 7 PAUL Bastide
Sean Callanan 7 PAUL Bastide
Donna K. Byron 5 PAUL Bastide
Sandra L. Kogan 5 PAUL Bastide
Asima Silva 4 PAUL Bastide
Aaron J. Quirk 3 PAUL Bastide
Aaron M. Cohen 3 PAUL Bastide
Daniel B. Harris 3 PAUL Bastide
Eric S. Portner 3 PAUL Bastide
John M. Boyer 3 PAUL Bastide
Michael L. Taylor 3 PAUL Bastide
Alexander Pikovsky 2 PAUL Bastide
Corville O. Allen 2 PAUL Bastide
Dana L. Price 2 PAUL Bastide
Eric M. Wilcox 2 PAUL Bastide
Jeffrey R. Hoy 2 PAUL Bastide
John A. Jacobson 2 PAUL Bastide
Kulvir S. Bhogal 2 PAUL Bastide
Liam Harpur 2 PAUL Bastide
Marco A. Vicente 2 PAUL Bastide
Patrick J. O’Sullivan 2 PAUL Bastide
Scott J. Martin 2 PAUL Bastide
Shane M. Kilmon 2 PAUL Bastide
Stephen Crawford 2 PAUL Bastide
Thomas J. Evans IV 2 PAUL Bastide
Vijay Francis 2 PAUL Bastide
Weisong Wang 2 PAUL Bastide
Adam L. Cutler 1 PAUL Bastide
Amanda N. Savitzky 1 PAUL Bastide
Andrew L. Schirmer 1 PAUL Bastide
Arun Vishwanath 1 PAUL Bastide
Bernadette A. Carter 1 PAUL Bastide
Beth Anne M. Collopy 1 PAUL Bastide
Beth L. Hoffman 1 PAUL Bastide
Bradley W. Hurley 1 PAUL Bastide
Brenton P. Chasse 1 PAUL Bastide
Brian M. Walsh 1 PAUL Bastide
Carl J. Kraenzel 1 PAUL Bastide
Christopher W. Desforges 1 PAUL Bastide
Damian E.A. Garcia 1 PAUL Bastide
Dan DUMONT 1 PAUL Bastide
Dwarikanath Mahapatra 1 PAUL Bastide
Fred Raguillat 1 PAUL Bastide
Isabell Kiral-Kornek 1 PAUL Bastide
Jaime M. Stockton 1 PAUL Bastide
James A. Hart 1 PAUL Bastide
Jennifer L. Vargus 1 PAUL Bastide
Jose L. Lopez 1 PAUL Bastide
Juliana M. Leong 1 PAUL Bastide
Katherine M. Parsons 1 PAUL Bastide
Kelley L. ANDERS 1 PAUL Bastide
King Shing K. Lui 1 PAUL Bastide
Leah A. Lawrence 1 PAUL Bastide
Leho Nigul 1 PAUL Bastide
Lei Wang 1 PAUL Bastide
Lorelei M. McCollum 1 PAUL Bastide
Margo L. Ezekiel 1 PAUL Bastide
Mark Gargan 1 PAUL Bastide
Mary E. Miller 1 PAUL Bastide
Matthew Stephen Rosno 1 PAUL Bastide
Melissa A. Lord 1 PAUL Bastide
Michael G. Alexander 1 PAUL Bastide
Na Pei 1 PAUL Bastide
Neal Fishman 1 PAUL Bastide
Pei Sun 1 PAUL Bastide
Richard Gorzela 1 PAUL Bastide
Richard T. Bassemir 1 PAUL Bastide
Shelbee D. Smith-Eigenbrode 1 PAUL Bastide
Shu Qiang Li 1 PAUL Bastide
Shunguo Yan 1 PAUL Bastide
Stacy M. Cannon 1 PAUL Bastide
Stanley K. Jerrard-Dunne 1 PAUL Bastide
Stefan von Cavallar 1 PAUL Bastide
Susmita Saha 1 PAUL Bastide
Tamer E. Abuelsaad 1 PAUL Bastide
Thomas J. Evans 1 PAUL Bastide
Trudy L. Hewitt 1 PAUL Bastide
Xujin Liu 1 PAUL Bastide
Ying Mo 1 PAUL Bastide
PAUL Bastide 0 PAUL Bastide


Coinventing Graphic