Here are some lessons learned from the week (and shared with other):
TIP: How to create a Power Workspace from the CLI
This document outlines the steps necessary to create a PowerVS workspace.
1. Login to IBM Cloud
ibmcloud login --sso -r jp-osa -c 65b64c111111114bbfbd893c2c
-r jp-osa
targets the region-c 65b64c111111114bbfbd893c2c
is the account that is being targetted.
2. Install the Plugins for PowerVS and VPC.
As a good practice install, the powervs and vpc plugins.
❯ ibmcloud plugin install power-iaas -f
❯ ibmcloud plugin install 'vpc-infrastructure' -f
3. Create a Power Systems workspace
- The two elements you should configure below are the PVS_REGION and the WORKSPACE_NAME. The rest will create a new Workspace.
❯ ibmcloud resource service-instance-create \
Creating service instance rdr-mac-osa-n1 in resource group my-resource-group of account Power Account as
Service instance rdr-mac-osa-n1 was created.
Name: rdr-mac-osa-n1
ID: crn:v1:bluemix:public:power-iaas:osa21:a/65b64c1f1c29460e8c2e4bbfbd893c2c:e3772ff7-48eb-4c81-9ee0-07cf0b5547a5::
GUID: e3772ff7-48eb-4c81-9ee0-07cf0b5547a5
Location: osa21
State: provisioning
Type: service_instance
Sub Type:
Allow Cleanup: false
Locked: false
Created at: 2023-07-11T14:12:07Z
Updated at: 2023-07-11T14:12:10Z
Last Operation:
Status create in progress
Message Started create instance operation
Thus you are able to create a PowerVS Workspace from the CLI.
Note: Flatcar Linux
Flatcar Container Linux A community Linux distribution designed for container workloads, with high security and low maintenance
I learned about flatcar linux this week… exciting stuff.
Demonstration: Tang Server Automation on PowerVM
I work on the OpenShift Container Platform on Power Team which created a few video to discuss The powervm-tang-server-automation
project provides Terraform based automation code to help with the deployment of Network Bound Disk Encryption (NBDE) on IBM® Power Systems™ virtualization and cloud management. Thanks to Aditi Jadhav for presenting.
The Overview
The Demonstration
New Blog: Installing OpenShift on IBM Power Virtual Servers with IPI
My colleague Ashwin posted a new blog using IPI – This blog covers creating and destroying a “public” OpenShift cluster i.e., one which is accessible through the internet and the nodes of the cluster can access the internet.