Month: March 2022

  • Using OpenShift Plugin for oc

  • Learning Resources for Operators – First Two Weeks Notes

    To quote the Kubernetes website, “The Operator pattern captures how you can write code to automate a task beyond what Kubernetes itself provides.” The following is an compendium to use while Learning Operators. The defacto SDK to use is the Operator SDK which provides HELM, Ansible and GO scaffolding to support your implementation of the…

  • Hack: Fast Forwarding a Video

    I had to watch 19 hours of slow paced videos for a training on a new software product (at least new to me). I like fast paced trainings… enter a browser hack. In Firefox, Navigate to Tools > Browser Tools > Web Developer Tools Click Console Type the following snippet to find the first video…

  • The Grit in Processing Unicode Strings with NDJSON

    [Unicode]( is pretty amazing, you can encode strings in single or multibyte characters. Perhaps a smile… 😀 which is `U+1F600` There are some tricks to processing as a stream and I outline four gritty points in processing Unicode from a remote stream.

  • Moving on…

    In 2019, I joined the IBM FHIR Server team. A team tasked with engineering an internal FHIR server (DSTU2) as an updated and upgrade open source HL7 FHIR R4 Server. The open sourced code, on GitHub IBM® FHIR® Server – IBM/FHIR is a product of many contributors since it’s inception in 2016 (the project history…

  • GitHub Actions Braindump

    The following are from a braindump I did for my teamn (everything here is public knowledge): Getting Setup to Building and Developing with the Workflows This section outlines setting up your development environment for working with workflows: Download the Visual Code.  This tool is best to sit outside of your environment. Click Extensions > Search…