Month: September 2021

  • Job and Bulk Data APIs

    Here are some short cut APIs for Open Liberty API and IBM FHIR Server’s batch feature.

  • IBM Digital Developer Conference: Hybrid Cloud – Integrating Healthcare Data in a Serverless World

    My lab is now live and available on the IBM Digital Developer Conference. In my session, developers integrate a healthcare data application using IBM FHIR Server with OpenShift serverless, to create and respond to actual healthcare scenarios. The lab materials Link to the lab material and you need to sign up for the lab…

  • Digital Developer Conference – Hybrid Cloud: Integrating Healthcare Data in a Serverless World

    Recently I developed and presented this lab… which gets released in late September 2021. In this lab, developers integrate a healthcare data application using IBM FHIR Server with Red Hat OpenShift Serverless to create and respond to a healthcare scenario. This lab is a companion to the session Integrating Healthcare Data in a Serverless World…

  • Playing with buildah and ubi-micro: Part 1

    buildah is an intriguing open source tool to build of Open Container Initiative (OCI) container images using a scripted approach versus a traditional Dockerfile. It’s fascinating and I’ve started to use podman and buildah to build my project’s images. I picked ubi-micro as my startingn point. Per Red Hat, ubi-microis the smallest possible image excludinng…

  • Recipe: Azure Postgres with IBM FHIR Server Bulk Data

    One of the prerequisites for setting up IBM FHIR Server Bulk Data is setting up max_prepared_transactions since the IBM FHIR Server leverages Open Liberty Java Batch which uses an XA Transaction. If you are using Azure, here are the steps for updating your Postgres resource.