Apache Nifi and IBM FHIR Server: InvokeHTTP and SSL

A user who is integrating Apache Nifi and IBM FHIR Server asked how they get the SSL to work between the two, and here is a small recipe for you:

  1. List Keys
keytool -list -keystore \
  fhir-server-dist/wlp/usr/servers/fhir-server/resources/security/fhirKeyStore.p12 \
  -storepass change-password -rfc

Check to see if you have a default, if you do, go to step 2, else step 3.

  1. Change default
keytool -changealias -keystore \
  fhir-server-dist/wlp/usr/servers/fhir-server/resources/security/fhirKeyStore.p12 \
   -storepass change-password -alias default -destalias old_default

You can always double check with step 3.

  1. Create a new default with a distinguished name for your hostname (mine is host.docker.internal)
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias default -keystore \
fhir-server-dist/wlp/usr/servers/fhir-server/resources/security/fhirKeyStore.p12 \
  -storepass change-password -validity 2000 -keysize 2048 -dname cn=host.docker.internal
  1. Confirm the lists of keys
keytool -list -keystore \
  fhir-server-dist/wlp/usr/servers/fhir-server/resources/security/fhirKeyStore.p12 \
  -storepass change-password
Keystore type: PKCS12
Keystore provider: SUN

Your keystore contains 2 entries

old_default, May 15, 2020, PrivateKeyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (SHA-256): 9D:94:C2:F8:C1:51:9B:0F:21:50:4F:BB:60:A4:8A:3F:AF:C0:F0:13:C4:80:BE:A3:94:42:04:46:56:DB:D9:7B
default, May 15, 2020, PrivateKeyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (SHA-256): 5B:38:D5:FD:7F:8A:80:60:12:CF:7F:61:C6:D6:C5:54:F3:FD:F8:80:34:58:A5:3F:1C:8F:2C:0A:42:85:C0:49

Notice, the new key.

  1. Restart your app server to pick up the latest. Once restarted, proceed to next step.

  2. Confirm you see the subject is the one you need.

curl -k https://localhost:9443 -v 2>&1 | grep -i subject
*  subject: CN=host.docker.internal
  1. Start a nifi image
docker run -p 8080:8080 --rm apache/nifi:latest bash
  1. Find the docker container id
$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                   NAMES
09d2a7395fa2        apache/nifi:latest   "../scripts/start.sh…"   7 seconds ago       Up 6 seconds        8000/tcp, 8443/tcp, 10000/tcp,>8080/tcp   gracious_rosalind
  1. Copy the fhirKeystore.p12 (in this case we just updated this one only).
docker cp fhir-server-dist/wlp/usr/servers/fhir-server/resources/security/fhirKeyStore.p12 \
  1. Login to Nifi – http://localhost:8080/nifi/?processGroupId=root&componentIds=1aef81c1-0172-1000-16cd-37702389d8d3

  2. Add an InvokeHTTP

    1. Click Configure
    2. Click on properties
    3. Enter Remote URL – https://host.docker.internal:9443/fhir-server/api/v4/metadata
    4. Enter Basic Authentication Username – fhiruser
    5. Enter Basic Authentication Password – change-password
    6. Click SSL Context Service
      1. Click the Drop Down
      2. Click Create Service – StandardRestrictedSSLContextService
      3. Click Create
      4. Click the Arrow to configure
      5. When prompted "Save changes before going to this Controller Service?", click Yes.
      6. Click Configure
      7. Click Properties
        1. Click Truststore Filename, and enter /fhirKeyStore.p12
        2. Click Truststore Passowrd, and enter change-password
        3. Click Truststore Type, and enter PKCS12
      8. Click Apply
      9. Check the State – Validating, you may have to refresh, until it says disabled.
      10. On the left, click enabled, and turn it on, and click enable. It may take a minute
      11. It’s basically set up, now let’s get some output.
  3. Add an LogMessage

    1. Select all Types
  4. Link the Two Nodes

  5. Click Play

You’ll see your Nifi flow working.

You can always use the docker image for the IBM FHIR Server https://hub.docker.com/r/ibmcom/ibm-fhir-server