I was curious who my frequent co-inventors were, so I downloaded Gephi. I downloaded my patent data from Google Patents and built a fun little model from CSV data (similar to the attached).
Matthew E. Broomhall | 121 | PAUL Bastide |
Robert E. Loredo | 119 | PAUL Bastide |
Fang Lu | 60 | PAUL Bastide |
Alaa Abou Mahmoud | 43 | PAUL Bastide |
Lisa Seacat Deluca | 23 | PAUL Bastide |
Lydia M. Do | 17 | PAUL Bastide |
Dale M. Schultz | 13 | PAUL Bastide |
Andrew E. Davis | 7 | PAUL Bastide |
Ralph E. LeBlanc | 7 | PAUL Bastide |
Sean Callanan | 7 | PAUL Bastide |
Donna K. Byron | 5 | PAUL Bastide |
Sandra L. Kogan | 5 | PAUL Bastide |
Asima Silva | 4 | PAUL Bastide |
Aaron J. Quirk | 3 | PAUL Bastide |
Aaron M. Cohen | 3 | PAUL Bastide |
Daniel B. Harris | 3 | PAUL Bastide |
Eric S. Portner | 3 | PAUL Bastide |
John M. Boyer | 3 | PAUL Bastide |
Michael L. Taylor | 3 | PAUL Bastide |
Alexander Pikovsky | 2 | PAUL Bastide |
Corville O. Allen | 2 | PAUL Bastide |
Dana L. Price | 2 | PAUL Bastide |
Eric M. Wilcox | 2 | PAUL Bastide |
Jeffrey R. Hoy | 2 | PAUL Bastide |
John A. Jacobson | 2 | PAUL Bastide |
Kulvir S. Bhogal | 2 | PAUL Bastide |
Liam Harpur | 2 | PAUL Bastide |
Marco A. Vicente | 2 | PAUL Bastide |
Patrick J. O’Sullivan | 2 | PAUL Bastide |
Scott J. Martin | 2 | PAUL Bastide |
Shane M. Kilmon | 2 | PAUL Bastide |
Stephen Crawford | 2 | PAUL Bastide |
Thomas J. Evans IV | 2 | PAUL Bastide |
Vijay Francis | 2 | PAUL Bastide |
Weisong Wang | 2 | PAUL Bastide |
Adam L. Cutler | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Amanda N. Savitzky | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Andrew L. Schirmer | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Arun Vishwanath | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Bernadette A. Carter | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Beth Anne M. Collopy | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Beth L. Hoffman | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Bradley W. Hurley | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Brenton P. Chasse | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Brian M. Walsh | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Carl J. Kraenzel | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Christopher W. Desforges | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Damian E.A. Garcia | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Dan DUMONT | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Dwarikanath Mahapatra | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Fred Raguillat | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Isabell Kiral-Kornek | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Jaime M. Stockton | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
James A. Hart | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Jennifer L. Vargus | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Jodi RAJANIEMI | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Jose L. Lopez | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Juliana M. Leong | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Katherine M. Parsons | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Kelley L. ANDERS | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
King Shing K. Lui | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Leah A. Lawrence | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Leho Nigul | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Lei Wang | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Lorelei M. McCollum | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Margo L. Ezekiel | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Mark Gargan | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Mary E. Miller | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Matthew Stephen Rosno | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Melissa A. Lord | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Michael G. Alexander | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Na Pei | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Neal Fishman | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Pei Sun | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Richard Gorzela | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Richard T. Bassemir | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Shelbee D. Smith-Eigenbrode | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Shu Qiang Li | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Shunguo Yan | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Stacy M. Cannon | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Stanley K. Jerrard-Dunne | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Stefan von Cavallar | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Susmita Saha | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Tamer E. Abuelsaad | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Thomas J. Evans | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Trudy L. Hewitt | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Xujin Liu | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
Ying Mo | 1 | PAUL Bastide |
PAUL Bastide | 0 | PAUL Bastide |