Author: admin

  • Fun with Patent Data: Thomas Edison Jupyter Notebook

    Thomas Alva Edison was a famous American inventor and businessman, “described as America’s greatest inventor”, and was one of the most prolific inventors in US history. Thomas Edison was granted/filed 1084 patents from 1847-1931.[1] He’s just one cool inventor – lamps, light bulbs, phonograph and so many more life changing inventions. Google Patents has a wonderful…

  • AppDev: Zookeeper Port Forwarding to all servers from local machine

    To simply testing with Zookeeper on a remote Kafka cluster, one must connect to the client application ports on the backend.  When the remote Kafka cluster has multiple nodes and behind a firewall and a SSH jump server, the complexity is fairly high.  Note, the SSH jump server is the permitted man in the middle. …

  • AppDev: Forwarding DGram in node.js

  • Testing: Dynamic Test-NG Tests

    In my last few projects, I have used Test-NG.  Uniquely in my current project, I had to generate tests programmatically.  Instead of writing one test for each element in the project, I am able to generate a bunch at-will using the following pattern: Factory package test; import org.testng.annotations.Factory; public class DynamicTestFactory { @Factory public Object[]…

  • Release 4.1.0 – Lessons Learned in Development

    Using IBM Db2 with IBM FHIR Server Using ibm/db2 docker and using with IBM FHIR Server

  • Release 4.0.1 – Lessons Learned in Development

  • Gatsby & Carbon: Build with Github Action

    As some of you know, I work on the IBM FHIR Server and with my colleagues, I have started automating some of the actions we take – Build, Test, Deploy, Deploy our website. More specific to the “Deploy our website” automation, our website uses technologies, such as Gatsby, Carbon, Gatsby Carbon Theme. Fundamentally, a static…

  • Migrating Source Code Git-to-Git

  • Code Graph showing the Layout of the Code base

    I’ve been mixing data analysis and Java programming recently.  I wrote a tool to do the analysis (Maven/Python). Here is the obfuscated output of the analysis, showing the hotspots.  I opted to show a thumbnail of the image here to protect the confidentiality of the project.  The generated image was also 78 Megabytes.  (a bit…

  • Raspberry Pi: Setting up backup

    I have a Raspberry Pi providing household automation and productivity services – WebDav, Backups and Calendar. I always worry about a jolt of power, a failed byte and something that is unrecoverable. Time for a Backup solution. I plugged in a USB stick – 64GB, and immediately checked the file system is there and visible…